About Us

Have you ever spent time around someone who made you feel unique, important, and loved? Well, my grandfather, Papaw Odell Suits, had this talent. He saw the goodness in everyone that he met. You see, my Papaw was a very talented bluegrass musician. People would approach him at festivals and ask him to show them a few "licks". Actually, this is how I came to be; my dad Roger approached Odell at a bluegrass festival to get advice on a banjo lick. At this time, he saw my mom, Odell's daughter Jeanna, and the rest is history, as they say.
Folks from all over would come by Papaw's little house to spend time with the local legend. He had a little picking room at the back of his house, nothing special and certainly nothing fancy, but it was a warm environment. Love, joy, and music filled that room daily. My Papaw welcomed everyone. It didn't matter if you were rich or poor, a brand new musician, or Tony Rice; he spent time with you, he picked with you, and he had a way of letting you know that you are special and loved. Although my Papaw had very little money, he had more friends than you can imagine. In fact, his funeral visitation lasted multiple days as folks from all over came by to pay their respects.
We created this store to celebrate his legacy. We desire to build friendships as he did, one customer at a time. We hope that Papaw Odell's becomes a place of love and friendship.
Regards, Drew